The law of attraction works simply because it is a universal law. Visualize, think and feel whatever you desire in the present and it manifests in your life a couple of minutes from now, an hour later, a day after or some other time in the near future.
I'll touch on this subject before I proceed to the subconscious mind bumps because it's very important to gain an overall understanding of the interaction of our different minds.
Since the law of attraction universal law, it must work but why doesn't it seem to work for everybody as you may have read in forums. Some people even dismiss it as crap.
The fact is, it works and those who think it doesn't work are attracting things which are contrary to their conscious thoughts of the things they desire, that's why they think it doesn't work. What is manifesting in their lives are the result of the sum total of the interactions of their minds (conscious and subconscious). The result of these interactions may not necessarily be the contents of their conscious thoughts because the subconscious also plays a big part in forming the dominant vibratory pattern. They apply the law of attraction - visualize, think and feel what they desire but instead what's manifesting in their lives are the opposite. What's missing?
I will attempt to shed light on this confusion by exploring the nature of waves as it relates to conscious and subconscious thoughts. Thoughts are vibrations of energy just as sound waves are. The basic behavior of sound waves should apply to thought vibrations since they both propagate waves of energy. Stay with me as you may never have heard of this idea before. The evidence is right in front of us and yet we don't see the connection.
note: The author does not claim the ideas presented here as facts but as a simple model on how our different mind levels interact with each other.
Sound Waves
Let us examine sound waves. These are audible waves of energy that are produced when a material vibrates like the string of a guitar when it is plucked. We'll experiment the characteristics of a sound wave using a loudspeaker since almost everybody has it. If you are reading this, you must have loudspeakers in your computer.
Arrange your loudspeakers as shown in the figure below. You can use your computer's
loudspeakers or the bigger ones from your stereo system which works better for this experiment.

For this experiment, you may use this alpha isochronic tones (opens in new window) for better results because it's sound waves are simple without lots of different frequencies playing simultaneously. It is also in mono mode which means the signals are the same for both the left and right speakers.
Press the play button of the low pitch tone and adjust the volume control to its highest level. As the tone plays, position your head at different areas - between the speakers, at the back of the left or right speaker, on top, etc. Notice the intensity of the sound you hear at different areas. Also try positioning the speakers closer together or moving it at different angles from each other.
Did you notice that the strongest or highest intensity of the tone occurs at the area between the two speakers? That's because both the speakers vibrate at the same time and in phase which simply means that the signals of both speakers rise and fall at the same time. What you hear is the strength of the signal from each speaker combined.
The intensity of the sound waves can be graphically represented below

Since the two speakers produce tones that are in phase or aligned with each other, the signals from the right and left speakers are represented as both going in the positive direction at the same time. When the intensity of the left speaker is rising to a strength value of 10, the right speaker also changes its strength at the same time to the same value resulting in a stronger intensity at the center (where the interaction of both sound wave sources are strongest) because the strength of both waves are added together.
The figure above depicts a double strength at the center but it may be less depending on several factors such as the distance between speakers.
You may have also noticed this characteristic in your stereo system when you adjust the balance control. If you move the knob or slider all the way to either the left or right, the intensity of the sound you hear will be lesser compared to the sound you hear if the position was in the center - assuming you are at the center of both speakers..
The above experiment shows you how two different sound wave sources interact with each other when they are in phase or aligned. But what if they are out of phase or out of alignment?
Making the Sounds Out of Alignment
Let's experiment how the waves interact with each other when the speakers are out of phase or out of alignment. What we do is reverse the polarity of one of the speakers. We do this by reversing the speaker terminals of one speaker.
This can be done if your speaker or your stereo system offers the capability of reversing the wires. If you see a speaker terminal at the back of your loudspeaker enclosure or at the back of your player similar to the image below, then you can follow through with this experiment.

The terminal type above allows you to insert the wires while moving the lever above the holes up or down (depending on the design). Other types allow you to screw the wires in place.
Now reverse the connection of one speaker terminal. You remove the wires and re-insert it but this time the red wire goes to the black terminal and the black wire goes to the red terminal. Some wires are differentiated with a white or red stripe.
Now play the tone again. Observe the intensity of the volume at different areas around the speakers. You should notice the following:
- The nearer the speakers are facing each other, the lesser sound you will hear.
- The farther you are from the center, the louder the sound you will hear.
When the waves are not in alignment, cancellation occurs. The resultant wave is the difference between the two wave sources. Examine the graph below.

The left speaker in this case produces an intensity of +40 while the same time the right speaker produces an intensity of -30 which results in a positive going wave of +10. These waves are out of alignment since one source goes positive while the other goes negative because we reversed the speaker wires.
In the above graph, if the positive going signal was weaker than the negative going signal, the result will be negative going too.
Different values of the left and right sound intensity produces different results. Equal strength from the left and right speakers may result in no audible sound at all at the center. To sum it up, with out of alignment sources even though the signal is the same, the output will be lesser than the lower intensity of the two sources.
Every material has a resonant frequency. This means that when a material 'hears' its resonant frequency from a nearby source, it vibrates even though no external force is applied to it.
For example if you have two tuning forks for the musical note of "A" which vibrates to a frequency of 440 hz, striking only one fork will also cause the other fork to vibrate also. You can also experiment with a guitar to observe the behavior of resonance.

Let's play around with the two bass strings at the top. For standard tuning, the top most bass string is tuned to the musical note "E" and the next bass string is tuned to the musical note "A". Pressing a string at the first fret will produce a sound half note higher than if there were no string pressed.
Each succeeding frets when pressed will produce a sound half note higher than the previous fret. So for the first bass string, to get to the "A" note, you need to press the string at the fifth fret (F, F#, G, G#, A - 5 steps).
Now try this: pluck the top most bass string while pressing it at the fifth fret with your other hand then lightly touch the next bass string. You should feel the second bass string vibrate even though it has not been plucked.
Now pluck the first string again but this time lightly touch another string. You should feel no vibration from it.
From this experiment we can conclude that a material will vibrate if it "hears" a frequency which is in resonant to its own.
These are the behavior of sound waves and it also applies to other waves as well such as radio waves. An antenna designed to tune to a specific frequency will resonate to that frequency.
Thought Waves/vibrations
Since thought produces mind waves, the characteristics of these waves must in some way be similar to the behavior of sound waves. Thinking of thought waves in these terms will make us better understand the interaction of the waves produced in our conscious, subconscious and superconscious minds.
The discussion of previous post on mind bumps assumes these behaviors and it will be easier to picture the interaction of the conscious and subconscious mind waves which I will discuss in my next post.
As I have mentioned in the post on mind bumps, boost your positive mind bumps by thinking of positive things always. Look at the positive side of every situation, appreciate the beauty of nature, love everyone and everything. For in doing so, you multiply your positive mind bumps and invite positive events to manifest in your life.
Love and peace to you.
I've often wondered this about the 'law' of attraction: who discovered it? Is it scientifically tested (which anything needs to be in order to be called a 'law' such as the Law of Gravity), or is that just a term it was given? I understand perfectly well how it works; I've experienced it myself... but I am wondering... why doesn't it work for the creatures of nature? Do they simply not have intent like we do (unless they are primates or dolphins or something similarly intelligent)? Could it be that the law of attraction pertains solely to cultural creatures? I feel like the "6 degrees of separation" may have something to do with it, honestly. If you put something out there, in the way you act and the things you communicate, you are but 6 degrees away from Kevin Bacon getting empathic with your wishes. :)