Does isochronic tones reign in superiority compared to binaural beats in terms of brainwave entrainment? There are mixed opinions with regards to the effectivity of both technologies. Others prefer isochronic tones while others are more comfortable with binaural beats.
To guide you with your decision in what to purchase, here are some pros and cons.
Isochronic tones does not require the use of headphones since both speakers emit the same tones. Binaural beats on the other hand required the use of headphones because each speaker emits different frequencie and the brain 'hears' the difference between the two frequencies. Binaural beats cannot give you the brainwave entrainment you need if you do not use headphones.
The waveforms of isochronic tones are very distinct because the tone and silence are of equal duration making the target frequency very distinguishable. Binaural beats does not alternate to a silence level but only dips a little to a lower volume.
Which is more pleasant to listen to?
Isochronic tones emits a constant 'toot toot' while binaural beats sounds like a hum. There are people who are annoyed by the 'toot toot' so they prefer binaural beats.
I've tried both technologies but isochronic tones gives me a faster entrainment whereas binaural beats takes me a longer time before I reach the target frequency. Others experience the opposite.
How do you know that your brain are entrained?
When I do an alpha or a theta session, I yawn when I dip to the lower brainwave. Yawning is an indication that your brain is relaxing.
How about you? What do you prefer? If you haven't tried brainwave entrainment yet, download your free 10 minute samples of isochronic tones and binaural beats so that you can try them out before buying products for your specific needs such as lucid dreaming, astral traval, meditation, hypnotism, etc.which the Unexplainable Store has a wide array of.
Feel free to comment regarding your experience. Enjoy and be empowered!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Isochronic Tones - How Often Should You Listen
Does the frequency of listening to isochronic tones or meditating regularly using these tones affect the benefits you receive from it? Before answering that, let me cite just one of the many things that happens to your brain when frequent entraining to the low frequency brainwaves is done.
Brain Hemispheres
Our brain is composed of two hemispheres, the left and the right, Each one functions differently, responds differently to different stimuli, has it's own strengths and weaknesses, etc.
Corpus Callusom
The corpus callusom connects the two hemispheres together. This is the area where neural pathways are created and maintained. These neural pathways acts like bridges for the two hemispheres.
Constant Practice Makes Perfect
Honing a skill requires constant practice. Take for example writing with your hands. At first the letters you write may be crooked but as you constantly practice writing, your handwriting becomes smoother and prettier.
This applies to all activities such as shooting a ball to the basketball ring, pitching a baseball, hitting the tennis ball with your racquet. These are just physical activities but it also applies to mental activities such as solving math problems, story telling, balancing spreadsheets, etc.
The practice required for making your two brain hemispheres communicate with each other efficiently is meditation. With meditation, you linger at a lower brainwave frequency for a longer period of time than you normally do.
When we go to sleep, our brainwaves fall into the lower frequency in a gradual manner till we get to the delta stage(deep sleep). With meditation, we get into a specific brainwave and stay there for a certain length of time.
This activity results in neural pathways being created at the corpus callusom. Neural pathways which are already created becomes more distinct and are readily available.
Imagine a pathway on a grassy area. At first there are no visible path but as people constantly walk upon it, the path becomes clear. So it is with the corpus callusom, the more we meditate, the more distinct the neural pathways (bridges or pathways) become making the two hemispheres exchange messages efficiently.
Imagine again the pathway when it is no longer used, in time the pathway will be gone as the grass grows. So it is with the corpus callusom. Stop meditating and the neural pathways that was created will slowly disappear minimizing the number of pathways that the two hemispheres can exchange messages.
There are normal daily activities when we dip into the lower brainwave frequencies, alpha or theta. These are the times when we are relaxed such as taking a shower, daydreaming, walking and any repetitive activity. However the most effective way of building the neural pathways is through meditation.
If you use isochronic tones for meditation or for any other purpose found at the Unexplainable Store, it is better to use it daily so that the benefits can really stick and enable you to enjoy a healthier and creative life including manifestation.
Visit the unexplainable Store to learn about isochronic tones for other applications such as increasing IQ and many others.
Alpha Brainwave Entrainment
Brain Hemispheres
Our brain is composed of two hemispheres, the left and the right, Each one functions differently, responds differently to different stimuli, has it's own strengths and weaknesses, etc.
Corpus Callusom
The corpus callusom connects the two hemispheres together. This is the area where neural pathways are created and maintained. These neural pathways acts like bridges for the two hemispheres.
Constant Practice Makes Perfect
Honing a skill requires constant practice. Take for example writing with your hands. At first the letters you write may be crooked but as you constantly practice writing, your handwriting becomes smoother and prettier.
This applies to all activities such as shooting a ball to the basketball ring, pitching a baseball, hitting the tennis ball with your racquet. These are just physical activities but it also applies to mental activities such as solving math problems, story telling, balancing spreadsheets, etc.
The practice required for making your two brain hemispheres communicate with each other efficiently is meditation. With meditation, you linger at a lower brainwave frequency for a longer period of time than you normally do.
When we go to sleep, our brainwaves fall into the lower frequency in a gradual manner till we get to the delta stage(deep sleep). With meditation, we get into a specific brainwave and stay there for a certain length of time.
This activity results in neural pathways being created at the corpus callusom. Neural pathways which are already created becomes more distinct and are readily available.
Imagine a pathway on a grassy area. At first there are no visible path but as people constantly walk upon it, the path becomes clear. So it is with the corpus callusom, the more we meditate, the more distinct the neural pathways (bridges or pathways) become making the two hemispheres exchange messages efficiently.
Imagine again the pathway when it is no longer used, in time the pathway will be gone as the grass grows. So it is with the corpus callusom. Stop meditating and the neural pathways that was created will slowly disappear minimizing the number of pathways that the two hemispheres can exchange messages.
There are normal daily activities when we dip into the lower brainwave frequencies, alpha or theta. These are the times when we are relaxed such as taking a shower, daydreaming, walking and any repetitive activity. However the most effective way of building the neural pathways is through meditation.
If you use isochronic tones for meditation or for any other purpose found at the Unexplainable Store, it is better to use it daily so that the benefits can really stick and enable you to enjoy a healthier and creative life including manifestation.
Visit the unexplainable Store to learn about isochronic tones for other applications such as increasing IQ and many others.
Alpha Brainwave Entrainment
Monday, November 22, 2010
To Reduce Pain and Alter Your Brain, Try Meditation
Meditation is a known painkiller, easing people's pain perception even after brief sessions. Now a study reveals why: Meditation changes the way the brain processes pain signals.
In a study presented Nov. 16 in San Diego at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, researchers reported that practicing a mindful awareness of the body and consciousness for just four days affects pain responses in the brain.
Brain activity decreases in areas devoted to the painful body part and in areas responsible for relaying sensory information. Meanwhile, regions that modulate pain get busy, and volunteers report that pain is less intense and less unpleasant.
Earlier studies suggested meditation reduces anxiety, promotes relaxation and helps people regulate their emotions, said study author Fadel Zeidan, a post-doctoral researcher at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Also, meditation may reduce pain by essentially making the physical sensations less distressing. "It's really all about the context of the situation, of the environment," Zeidan told LiveScience. "Meditation seems to have an overarching sense of attenuating that type of response."
Cultivating mindfulness
The practice known as mindfulness meditation involves sitting quietly and comfortably while breathing evenly. The idea is to clear the mind and focus the attention on the present.
Many studies have found that practicing meditation can reduce pain. Zeidan's work suggests you don't have to spend much time meditating to get the benefit: In a study published in March in the Journal of Pain, Zeidan and his colleagues reported that a half-hour of training per day for three days can significantly soothe pain, even when research participants aren't meditating.
In the new study, Zeidan wanted to find out what meditation does to change the brain's pain response. So he and his colleagues asked 15 volunteers to spend 30 minutes each day for four days learning to meditate. Before and after the training, the researchers scanned the volunteers' brains using magnetic resonance imaging.
During both before and after scans, each volunteer experienced alternative sensations of heat (120 degrees Fahrenheit, or 49 degrees Celsius) and neutral temperature (95 degrees F, or 35 degrees C) on his or her calf. After each 12-second temperature application, the volunteers ranked their pain by pushing a lever to the right for more pain and to the left for less. The lever position corresponded to a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 representing the greatest pain.
All in your head
The results are not yet published, but according to the Society for Neuroscience research abstract, meditation reduced people's perceptions of pain's unpleasantness by 57 percent. Volunteers also reported that pain was 40 percent less intense. [5 Painful Facts You Need to Know]
The volunteers' brains mirrored their altered perceptions, according to the abstract. Activity dropped in the thalamus, a deep brain area that relays sensory information from the body to the somatosensory cortex. The somatosensory cortex, located along the side of the brain above the ear, has specialized areas devoted to processing signals from specific body parts. In the meditation-practicing volunteers, the area of the somatosensory cortex linked to the calf was quieted.
Meanwhile, areas associated with pain modulation became more active. Those areas included the orbitofrontal cortex directly behind the eyes and the anterior cingulated cortex deep in the frontal region of the brain. The putamen, a structure buried in the center of the brain, and the nearby insula also showed more activity. Both structures have many functions, including control of movement, self-awareness and perception.
"The preliminary results are very interesting and promising," Zeidan said. The good news, he said, is that studies have shown that meditation's benefits occur rapidly, making it a realistic pain-relief option for people facing surgery or enduring injury.
"You don't necessarily need to be a monk to experience some of the benefits related to meditation," he said.
Read more:
Alpha Meditation Brainwave Entrainment Video
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Create Isochronic Tones Using IsoMod Audacity Plug-in
There is now an easier way to create isochronic tones. A plug-in was developed
by Steve Daulton which you can download from this
Once you have downloaded the plugin to your hard drive, copy it to your
plug-ins folder of the audacity program folder e.g C:\Program
Files\Audacity\Plug-Ins. Start up
audacity and it will be
available at the effects menu when you have generated a tone.
1. Generate a tone by clicking 'Generate' from the menu and selecting 'Tone,,,',
2. Select 'Sine' for the Waveform, 90 for the 'Frequency/Hz', 0.6 for the 'Amplitude', and 600 for a 10 minute duration then click 'Generate Tone'
3. Click 'Effects' from the menu and select 'Isomod'

by Steve Daulton which you can download from this
Installing the IsoMod plug-in
Once you have downloaded the plugin to your hard drive, copy it to your
plug-ins folder of the audacity program folder e.g C:\Program
Files\Audacity\Plug-Ins. Start up
audacity and it will be
available at the effects menu when you have generated a tone.
Creating an 10hz Alpha Wave Isochronic Tone with a 90hz Carier Frequency
1. Generate a tone by clicking 'Generate' from the menu and selecting 'Tone,,,',
2. Select 'Sine' for the Waveform, 90 for the 'Frequency/Hz', 0.6 for the 'Amplitude', and 600 for a 10 minute duration then click 'Generate Tone'
3. Click 'Effects' from the menu and select 'Isomod'
4. You will be presented by the following configuration set up.
'Pulse Width' must be set to 50 to achieve an isochronic tone.
'Initial Modulation Frequency' and 'Final Modulation Frequency' is the isochronic beat you want to
target. They must be the same unless you are creating a ramp.
target. They must be the same unless you are creating a ramp.
"Initial Modulation Depth' and 'Final Modulation Depth' must be set to 100 to get a pure isochronic
You can play around with 'Fade Time'. The lower the value the truer its isochronic waveform is. As
the value gets higher, the silence portion gets smaller. I find the value of 15 to be acceptable.
the value gets higher, the silence portion gets smaller. I find the value of 15 to be acceptable.
That's it, you now have an alpha isochronic beat.
Ramping the Isochronic Beat
IsoMod supports ramping but you can only create it one time either going from a high frequency to a lower frequency or from a lower brainwave frequency to a higher brainwave frequency. If you're designing an
isochronic tone which ramp more than one time, you need to create several tones then just 'stitch' them together.
isochronic tone which ramp more than one time, you need to create several tones then just 'stitch' them together.
As an example if we want to start with 10hz alpha brainwave then ramp to 4hz thetabrainwave then back again to alpha brainwave, you need create at least 4
isochronic tones. Details may be as follows:
isochronic tones. Details may be as follows:
1. 10hz = 6min
. 10hz to 4z ramp = 2min
. 4hz = 6min.
4hz to 10hz ramp= 2min
. 10hz to 4z ramp = 2min
. 4hz = 6min.
4hz to 10hz ramp= 2min
2. Create a 10hz tone
Open another instance of audacity and
create 10hz tone for 2min. Ramp it down with IsoMod to 4hz
Open another instance of audacity and
create a 6min 4hz tone
Open another instance of audacity and
create a 4hz tone for 2min Ramp it up with IsoMod to 10hz
Open another instance of audacity and
create 10hz tone for 2min. Ramp it down with IsoMod to 4hz
Open another instance of audacity and
create a 6min 4hz tone
Open another instance of audacity and
create a 4hz tone for 2min Ramp it up with IsoMod to 10hz
3. All you have to do now is copy and paste to
create a single file. You may however need to edit the waveform in the
'stitched' portion.
create a single file. You may however need to edit the waveform in the
'stitched' portion.
That's it! Have fun and may you reap the benefits that
isochronic tones can give you.
isochronic tones can give you.
Claim your free samples of
isochronic tones and binaural beats here.
Listen to
theta brainwave entrainment using isochronic tones
isochronic tones and binaural beats here.
Listen to
theta brainwave entrainment using isochronic tones
Friday, August 27, 2010
Isochronic Tones Activated Crystals
What is a Crystal?
A crystal is a solid material, whose constituent atoms, molecules, or ions are arranged in an orderly repeating pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions. The scientific study of crystals and crystal formation is crystallography. The process of crystal formation via mechanisms of crystal growth is called crystallization or solidification. The word crystal is derived from the Ancient Greek word κρύσταλλος (krustallos), meaning "rock-crystal" but also "ice",[1] from κρύος (kruos), "icy cold, frost".[2][3] The word once referred particularly to quartz, or "rock crystal".
Healing Crystals
Crystal healing is an alternative healing technique for strengthening the body and resolving issues and patterns using various forms of natural crystals. The theory is that gemstones carry vibrational rates. By placing these vibrational rates within the aura - your aura's vibrational rates also change. Often the effects are indirect, but very potent. Other times, the effects are very direct and repeatable.
Isochronic Tones
Isochronic tones are regular beats of a single tone used for brainwave entrainment. Similar to monaural beats, the interference pattern that produces the beat is outside the brain so headphones are not required, but since isochronic tones are more pronounced, the stimuli is even stronger. They differ from monaural beats which are a sine wave pulse rather than entirely separate pulses of a single tone.
Isochronic Tones Activated Crystals
The Unexplainable Store is proudly presenting the first ever isochronic tones activated crystals using an isochronic tones activation technology designed for healing and wellness of a person. The power of crystals cleansed and activated with isochronic tones can bring the individual to new heights of wellness.
See and examine for yourself visit the Unexplainable Store.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Alpha Brainwave Entrainment Video
Below is a brainwave entrainment video for alpha waves using isochronic tones.
The video can help you get entrained faster - the boring repetition. Close your eyes if you feel them getting heavy and just let the isochronic tones bring you to a relaxed alpha level.
The color green is associated with your heart chakra. Focusing on love and positive thoughts while watching the video can stimulate the beneficial energy of your heart. It can transmit this energy to all your other energy centers or chakras.
Start this meditation with a smile and while the isochronic tones are playing, reminisce those times when you felt love, happiness, joy and other positive experiences. These thoughts can stimulate your body's own healing capabilities making you healthier physically, emotionally and spiritually.
The volume may be too loud so just adjust it to a comfortable level.
Enjoy and may you benefit from these isochronic tones. Peace.
Watch this alpha brainwave entrainment video at youtube.
The video can help you get entrained faster - the boring repetition. Close your eyes if you feel them getting heavy and just let the isochronic tones bring you to a relaxed alpha level.
The color green is associated with your heart chakra. Focusing on love and positive thoughts while watching the video can stimulate the beneficial energy of your heart. It can transmit this energy to all your other energy centers or chakras.
Start this meditation with a smile and while the isochronic tones are playing, reminisce those times when you felt love, happiness, joy and other positive experiences. These thoughts can stimulate your body's own healing capabilities making you healthier physically, emotionally and spiritually.
The volume may be too loud so just adjust it to a comfortable level.
Watch this alpha brainwave entrainment video at youtube.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
How To Create Isochronic Tones Ramp
Brainwave entrainment is most effective when the frequency you are entraining for is near the point where you are presently at. For example if you are wide awake (your brainwaves are in beta state), listening to isochronic tones at the lower beta waves can bring faster brainwave entrainment compared to listening to theta isochronic tones.
If you were to entrain your brain to the theta state from a wide awake state, it would take a longer time or not at all for your brain to follow the frequency of the isochronic tone. A solution for this is to create an isochronic tone ramp to gradually take your brainwaves from one frequency to another.
Making an isochronic ramp using the Audacity software is easy but requires a bit of work. The idea is to create several files of different isochronic beats and tie them up together to create an isochronic tone ramp. The image below will serve as the basis for the simple project that will follow.

If you were to entrain your brain to the theta state from a wide awake state, it would take a longer time or not at all for your brain to follow the frequency of the isochronic tone. A solution for this is to create an isochronic tone ramp to gradually take your brainwaves from one frequency to another.
Making an Isochronic Tone Ramp
Making an isochronic ramp using the Audacity software is easy but requires a bit of work. The idea is to create several files of different isochronic beats and tie them up together to create an isochronic tone ramp. The image below will serve as the basis for the simple project that will follow.
For our simple project, we'll start off at 14hz then ramp down to 10hz. This is great when you are fully alert and you want to entrain your brain to a relaxing state of the alpha range. Stress from our daily routines can effectively be toned down when your brainwaves are entrained to the 10hz alpha waves .
Tone Durations
As illustrated from the figure above, 5 different tones are needed. The object of this project is to entrain your brain to the 10hz relaxing state starting from a fully alert state. The first tone at 14hz is long so as to entrain our brain to that state then gradually shifts to lower frequencies till we reach our desired state. For this project, we'll set the first tone to about 6 minutes. We'll give the ramps or steps about 1 minute each - you can experiment later on with the duration of each ramp. We'll assign another 6 minutes for the final frequency of 10hz.
For the isochronic beat, we have to calculate for each frequency. We can do it manually or use a spreadsheet program such as Excel to ease the work. Below are the values using the Excel spreadsheet. This can save you a lot of time especially when you are designing a span of several frequencies.

For your convenience I have made this spreadsheet file available for download. You can find the link at the bottom of this post. The cell formulas for the values are:
Cell B10 and below:
1 second divided by 14 to get the duration of 1 full cycle. If you want to round it off to just 2 digits, just replace 4 in the formula with 2.
Cell C10 and below:
14 hz consists of 14 times 2 half cycles
Cell E10 and below:
multiplying the frequency by 60 gives you the number of full cycles in one minute. Multiply the product again with the desired duration gives you the number of full cycles required.
Isochronic Pitch
For this project will use 90hz as the pitch or carrier frequency. This frequency is said to produce well being, security and good feelings. Just great for relaxation.
Now it's time to create your files. Please refer to the following posts in creating isochronic tones:
It would be best to first create individual files for each of the five tones. You can name your files whatever you want but it's best to have a system for naming files. I would suggest you start the filename with the frequency followed by the duration: e.g. 14hz-1sec.wav.
After you have created the individual files using the values in the spreasheet as your guide, all you have to do is assemble or tie them together as one file.
Hope you will gain faster entrainment with this procedure. Enjoy and have a relaxing day.
Experimenting Further with Ramps of Isochronic Tones
The project above only uses one carrier or pitch of 90hz. You can experiment further using different pitches for the different isochronic beats. For the project above, you can start your pitch with 94hz then bring the pitch down in 1 step decrements to reach the final frequency of 90hz.
Do share your experiences with the experiment.
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